Featured Article
Joint Study by Kent State University and University of Toronto Finds Sochi Olympic Games Failed Women
Kent State University researcher Michele K. Donnelly, Ph.D., and University of Toronto researchers Peter Donnelly, Ph.D., and Mark Norman found that the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics failed to bring more women into the competition.
read moreKent State’s College of Education, Health and Human Services to Host Inaugural Social Responsibility and Diversity Award
Posted Oct. 12, 2015
Pictured is White Hall, which houses Kent State University's
College of Education, Health and Human Services.
The Office of Diversity Outreach and Development within Kent State University’s College of Education, Health and Human Services is pleased to announce its award recipients for the inaugural Social Responsibility and Diversity Awards. The awards recognize students, faculty, alumni and supporters that provide outreach support and programs focused on increasing the success of underrepresented and/or underserved students within the college or across the university.
The recipients will be recognized at the Celebration of Social Responsibility and Diversity Awards held on Friday, Nov. 6, at 5:30 p.m. at the Kent State University Hotel and Conference Center.
Register for the event or make a donation.
This event is a fundraiser and includes a reception, dinner and program. Tickets are $60 per person and $550 to purchase a table as a sponsor. All proceeds from this event go to the College of Education, Health and Human Services’ Diversity Assistance Fund to support scholarships for diverse students and experiences.
Congratulations to this year’s award recipients:
The Social Responsibility Award
Daniel Mahony, Ph.D.
President, Winthrop University
Outstanding Creative Contribution Award
Vacca Office of Student Services
Della Marie Marshall
Senior Associate Director, Kent State’s Center for Student Involvement
Community Impact Award
Akron Public Schools (Katrina Halasa, Carla Sibley and Yvonne Culver)
Advancing Diversity Scholarship Award
Phillip Rumrill
Kent State Professor, Rehabilitation Counseling
Student Inclusive Influence Award
James Yarbrough (Undergraduate student)
Peter Jeffy (Graduate student)
Alumni Legacy Award
Geraldine Hayes-Nelson, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Kent State’s Division of Human Resources
For more information about the celebration, contact N. J. Akbar or Felicia Johnson at ehhsdiversity@kent.edu or 330-672-2537.