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Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

Kent State University adheres to and complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), which requires an institution of higher education to implement programs to prevent the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and its employees.

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OneWellU Winter Walking Program

Posted Jan. 12, 2015

The OneWellU Winter Walking Program kicks off on Monday, Jan. 12, and concludes March 22. Participants that are new to the program may request a pedometer to monitor their steps or participants may use any step-tracking device that they prefer, such as MOVbands, Fitbits, etc.

This 10-week program is designed to encourage all participants to increase their everyday activity and offer flexibility in where, when and how their activity is increased. Registration is required for the walking program, and additional details can be found at the OneWellU website.

For questions, you may contact Michelle Igleheart, wellness coordinator, at 330-672-8368 or