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Step Up and Speak Out Materials Provide Helpful Resources to Kent State Employees
As fall semester reaches the halfway mark, Kent State University faculty and staff are encouraged to revisit the Step Up and Speak Out folder they received in August and review how to effectively address stressful situations.
read moreNew Copyright Policy at Kent State Will Go Into Effect January 2016
Posted Oct. 12, 2015
Pictured is the Kent State University
Library at the Kent Campus.
At its September meeting, the Kent State University Board of Trustees approved a new copyright policy, 3342-3-10, University policy regarding the use of copyright-protected works. This policy is part of the legal requirement for institutions such as Kent State to invoke the TEACH Act, which allows instructors, within specified limits, to digitally transmit third-party-produced, copyright-protected works without previous permission of the copyright owner. The policy becomes effective with the spring semester, Jan. 19, 2016. See the full-text of the policy here:
“It is my hope that this new policy will enable instructors to enrich teaching and learning by taking full advantage of the U.S. Copyright Law, including both the TEACH Act and Fair Use,” says Cindy Kristof, associate professor and head of copyright and document services at Kent State’s University Libraries.
Support systems are in place to assist faculty, staff and students at the University Library through Copyright Services. See http://www.library.kent.edu/copyright for more information.
Kristof says she would be honored to be a part of faculty or departmental meetings to provide a brief overview of the new policy and University Libraries' services. To arrange for a meeting, contact her at ckristof@kent.edu.
For more information about University Libraries, visit www.kent.edu/library.