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New and Familiar Faces

 New and Familiar Faces  

Meet new face Tim Miller, Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting

Meet familiar face Deborah Kay Osborne, Library Assistant, Library and Information Literacy Education, Institute for

Tim Miller

Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting

New Face

Job Description:
Tenure track faculty
Worked at KSU since:
July 2010
Employment Prior to Kent State University:
University of Kentucky
Likes Most About Kent State University:
Friendly faculty, staff and students
Attraction to Kent State University as an Employer:
It is a quality research institution in Ohio
Resides in:
Stow, Ohio
Granville, Ohio
Ph.D., accounting, University of Kentucky
MBA, University of Dayton
Bachelor of Science, accounting, University of Dayton
Camping, canoeing, hiking, reading and spending time with family

Deborah Kay Osborne

Library Assistant
Library and Information Literacy Education, Institute for

Familiar Face

Job Description:
Responsible for collecting and preparing materials for binding repairing and processing printed, video and audio materials
Worked at KSU since:
July 1990
Employment Prior to Kent State University:
Evenflo Baby Products, J.C. Penney, Kelly Kitt , InfoCision and MaryKay Cosmetics Representative
Likes Most About Kent State University:
The blending of people, variety of cultures, personalities, job duties
Attraction to Kent State University as an Employer:
My mother, Margie Dial,
worked at the Kent State Library and persuaded me to try Kent State because of good benefits
Resides in:
Akron, Ohio
Rootstown, Ohio
Akron Hammel Actual Business School
Singing with local choir, MajesticVoice, and soloist; drawing ; collecting hats, sheet music and autographs; attending concerts; watching grandson’s cross-country meets and son’s participation in World War II re-enactments; learning to play dulcimer