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New and Familiar Faces

 New and Familiar Faces  

Meet new face Jane Deitrick, Interim/Community Stage Crew/Laborer
Performing Arts Center, Kent State University at Tuscarawas

Meet familiar face Dr. Stephen B. Thomas, Currently NTT Professor; Tenured Professor from 1985-2010, School of Foundations, Leadership and Administration

Jane Deitrick

Interim/Community Stage Crew/Laborer
Performing Arts Center
Kent State University at Tuscarawas

New Face

Job Description:
I load in/load out professional touring shows and stage manage or work crew for the resident companies.
Worked at KSU since:
October 2010
Employment Prior to Kent State University:
Currently working also at Horn Engineering in Dover, Ohio, as a CAD/Designer. Previously I’ve worked in a manufacturing art department, for an outdoor drama and for an interactive murder mystery company.
Likes Most About Kent State University:
Everything you could possibly want in a university and so close to home.
Attraction to Kent State University as an Employer:
“If you build it, they will come.” They built a theatre so I’m working here, doing what I love to do.
Resides in:
New Philadelphia, Ohio
New Philadelphia, Ohio
Currently working to finish the degree in Theatre at Kent State University that I started in the ‘80s.
Bell choir, working in the yard and gardens, collecting and decorating

Dr. Stephen B. Thomas

Currently NTT Professor; Tenured Professor from 1985-2010
School of Foundations, Leadership and Administration

Familiar Face

Job Description:
Professor and Coordinator of the Ph.D. Program, Higher Education Administration and Student Personnel
Worked at KSU since:
August 1985
Employment Prior to Kent State University:
St. Johns University, N.Y.
Likes Most About Kent State University:
Exceptional colleagues and quality students
Attraction to Kent State University as an Employer:
Potential to be exceptional within my program
Resides in:
Kent, Ohio
Tulsa, Okla.
Ph.D., University of Florida; M.S. and B.S. Oklahoma State University
Sports memorabilia and my fine little grandson