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New and Familiar Faces

 New and Familiar Faces  

Meet new face Angela DeJulius, Chief University Physician, University Health Services

Meet familiar face Sandra Pech, Assistant Professor, Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education Coordinator, Kent State University at Tuscarawas, School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies

Angela DeJulius

Chief University Physician
University Health Services

New Face

Job Description:
Leadership of student and employee health services at DeWeese Health Center; public health programs and policies for campus; liaison to local boards of health and healthcare facilities.
Worked at KSU since:
October 2010
Employment Prior to Kent State University:
Medical Director, Portage County Health Department; family medicine practice in Brimfield, Ohio.
Likes Most About Kent State University:
Amazing professional people! I love the terrific atmosphere of academia, the great programs and opportunities for growth, and interacting with students. This is a great setting where the link between student health and educational success is recognized and valued.
Attraction to Kent State University as an Employer:
It’s an opportunity for me to apply my background in public health and community programming, along with the practice of medicine. Having the new College of Public Health on campus is also really exciting.
Resides in:
Brimfield, Ohio
Several – born in Kronberg, W. Germany, childhood in the U.K. and moved to Ohio in 1979.
B.A. Sociology, Tulane University
M.D., University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Residency, Family Medicine, Summa Health System
M.P.H., KSU/NEOUCOM consortium
Reading, fitness, traveling; keeping up with teenaged triplets.

Sandra Pech

Assistant Professor, Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education Coordinator, Kent State University at Tuscarawas
Kent State University at Tuscarawas
School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies

Familiar Face

Job Description:
I coordinate the early childhood program for the baccalaureate degree at Kent State Tuscarawas. This includes teaching and advising students prior to and after they have been admitted to the early childhood education advanced studies program. I also work collaboratively with the local school districts in and around Tuscarawas County to secure field placements and to supervise pre-service teachers during their student teaching experiences.
Worked at KSU since:
January 2001. I have been a field supervisor in early childhood education, a graduate assistant while in the Ph.D. program, a NTT, and now TT faculty.
Employment Prior to Kent State University:
Director of a Mother’s Morning Out Preschool (2 ½ years in Trinity, N.C.), Alliance City Schools (10 years) taught second through fifth grades.
Likes Most About Kent State University:
The support and friendliness of the other faculty. I enjoy the opportunity to get to know the students I teach; they are friendly and willing to learn. I have enjoyed getting to know many of them through multiple classes, and watching them grow through their respective coursework.
Attraction to Kent State University as an Employer:
I was supervising the early childhood program at Kent State and I really liked the philosophy that I saw their pre-service teachers implement during their student teaching experiences. I was interested in returning to the classroom as a teacher so I began the Ph.D. program in Curriculum and Instruction at Kent State. Upon completion of my work, I was able to apply for a position at Kent State Tuscarawas.
Resides in:
Massillon, Ohio
North Canton, Ohio
2010 - Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Kent State University; 1987 - M.Ed. Elementary Education/Outdoor Education, University of Akron; 1983 - B.A. Elementary Education, Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio.
Keeping up with two teenage boys, which takes the majority of my free time. Sewing and quilting, baking, reading and working outside in the yard.