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New and Familiar Faces

 New and Familiar Faces  

Meet new face Chaya Kessler,   Director of Jewish Studies Program, College of Arts and Sciences

Meet familiar face Joseph E. Polack, Business Manager, Kent State University at Stark, Division of Finance and Administration

Chaya Kessler

  Director of Jewish Studies Program
College of Arts and Sciences

New Face

Job Description:
Responsible for all aspects of Jewish Studies Program and Hebrew language instructor.
Worked at KSU since:
August 2009
Employment Prior to Kent State University:
Youngstown State University
Likes Most About Kent State University:
The energy of the diverse student and faculty population.
Attraction to Kent State University as an Employer:
The opportunity and resources to build a dynamic program.
Resides in:
Youngstown, Ohio
Kiryat Gat, Israel
B.A. in English literature, education and an English as a Second Language certificate from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

M.A. in history from Youngstown State University
I enjoy travel, reading, dancing and listening to music.

Joseph E. Polack

Business Manager, Kent State University at Stark
Division of Finance and Administration

Familiar Face

Job Description:
Provide business and financial support to the Stark Campus and its auxiliaries.
Worked at KSU since:
September 2000
Employment Prior to Kent State University:
Gencorp, Inc. (formerly General Tire)
Likes Most About Kent State University:
Employees, Stark facilities and beautiful campus.
Attraction to Kent State University as an Employer:
Opportunity to work in higher education, especially at my alma mater.
Resides in:
Kent, Ohio
Kent, Ohio
B.B.A. in Accounting, Kent State University
Golf, bowling, officiating volleyball, working outdoors and vacationing