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eInside Recognition

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Professional Activities

Steven Brown, Evaluation and Measurement, presented "Q-method and the Study of Subjectivity" at the Summer Training School: Methods for Studying User Experience in University of Nantes, France, on July 1-4, 2014.

Additional Comments: Sponsored by the European Cooperation for Science and Technology

Alfred Guiffrida, Management and Information Systems, served as the external examiner for the dissertation “Sustainable Analysis and Assessment in the Supply Chain” in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, on Aug. 12, 2014.

Peter Kratcoski, Department of Sociology, Kent State University at Stark, and Max Edelbacher, presented "Collaboration of Academics and Practitioners in Research, Training and Program Implementation" at the International Police Executive Symposium in Sofia, Bulgaria, on July 27-Aug. 1, 2014.

John Bowen, an adjunct professor at Kent State University, received the Scholastic Journalism Division’s David Adams Journalism Educator of the Year Award during the Scholastic Journalism Division’s meeting on Aug. 7 at the AEJMC annual convention in Montreal, Canada. Bowen has taught courses for prospective high school teachers at Kent State’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication since 1984, and even more consistently since his retirement after 33 years of teaching high school journalism.


Richard Feinberg, Department of Anthropology, authored "Multiple Models of Space and Movement on Taumako, A Polynesian Island in the Southeastern Solomons," in Ethos, Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, Edward Lowe; guest editors, Richard Feinberg and Alexander Mawyer, Vol. 42, Issue 3, (2014): 302-331.

Summary: This article explores multiple models of space, spatial cognition, and its relationship both to social structure and individual experience on the Polynesian islande of Taumako in the southeastern Solomon Islands.

Web link:

Abstract: People of Taumako, a Polynesian community in the Solomon Islands, employ a variety of spatial models, some binary and linear, others concentric or radial. The existence of multiple models means that individuals, as they confront the challenges of daily life, must choose among alternatives and draw upon whichever ones appear most helpful at the moment. But utility depends on judgment, memory and the selective focus of attention. Consequently, spatial understandings differ from person to person and, sometimes, in the same person from one occasion to another, highlighting the complex expression of spatial cultures in everyday contexts. As is true elsewhere, social and spatial cognition, to a degree, are intertwined. Perhaps owing to a relatively egalitarian political and social structure, however, the connection between spatial symbolism and social structure on Taumako seems attenuated. Moreover, “radiality” assumes a multiplicity of shapes and does not represent social hierarchy among the Taumako, as it does in such hierarchically ordered societies as Samoa.

Kiersten F. Latham, Ph.D., School of Library and Information Science, authored "Experiencing Documents," in the Journal of Documentation, Vol. 70, Issue 4, (2014): 544-561.

Summary: This paper invites further consideration of how people experience documents, and opens further avenues of information behavior studies about people and documents.

Web link:

Daniel Roland, School of Library and Information Science, and Bryan Harris, graduate student, School of Library and Information Science, authored "Information Needs of Church Worship Leaders," in the Journal of Religious and Theological Information, Vol. 13, Issue 1-2, (2014): 35-52.
Web link:

Abstract: Qualitative research methods were used to investigate the informational needs of church worship leaders as they related to collection development for worship-service planning. Aguilar's environmental scanning model is adapted from a long-range strategic planning framework, to a short-term information-gathering methodology with task-focused implications. Although the interview subjects come from varied backgrounds denominationally, educationally and experientially, they have all developed a personal system of using environmental scanning for their collection development needs.

Jay D. Sloan, Department of English, Kent State University at Stark, authored a section of a book, "'How Grew Such Presence from Man’s Shameful Swarm’: Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Victorian Masculinity" in Pre-Raphaelite Masculinities: Constructions of Masculinity in Art and Literature, 1st Ed., (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate). Serena Trowbridge and Armelia Yeates (Eds.), (2014), 11-34.

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