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Professional Activities
Elizabeth Richardson and Cindy Kristoff, both from University Libraries, presented "Scanning Our Needs and Options: How Selecting an Overhead Scanner for ILL was a Team Effort " at the 2014 ILLiad International Conference in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in March 2014.
Summary: With an aging overhead scanner that would no longer be covered under the vendor’s service contract, our ILL department was in the market for a new scanner. Determining our needs and evaluating our potential choices became a team effort involving everybody.
Web link: http://works.bepress.com/elizabeth_a_richardson/6/
Paul Fehrmann and Michael Hawkins, both from University Libraries, presented "Using Rapid Review Methods for Topics in Religion" at the 2014 Conference on Information and Religion, Center for the Study of Information and Religion at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, on June 5, 2014.
Web link: http://libguides.library.kent.edu/content.php?pid=573849&sid=4743652
Jennifer M. Cunningham, Department of English, Kent State University at Stark, presented "An Underrepresented Literacy: Analyzing Digital African American Language Among Text Messages" at the Watson Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, on Oct. 16, 2014.
Rebecca Meehan, Ph.D., School of Library and Information Science, presented a poster titled “Use of Electronic Health Records in LTPAC: Qualitative Case Study of Early Adopter Facility” at the 2014 Long-Term and Post-Acute Care Health IT Summit held in June 2014 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Belinda Boon, School of Library and Information Science, presented "Carpe Diem-Seize the Day! Five Things You Can Do NOW to Transform Your Library" at the Texas Library Association District 9 Meeting in Midland, Texas on Sept. 20, 2014.
Robert Stadulis, professor emeritus at Foundations, Leadership and Administration, Angela Neal-Barnett, Department of Psychology, and Kent State graduate students Mary MacCracken and Lisa Fender-Scarr authored “Social Physique Anxiety in Early Adolescent Black Females,” Comprehensive Psychology, Vol. 3 (2014), 12p.
Marianne Martens, Ph.D., posted a blog entry titled "Cultural Competence in the Digital Realm: #WeNeedDiverseApps!" for the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) on Aug. 9, 2014.
An article written by Daniel Roland, Ph.D., School of Library and Information Science, has made the most-read articles at the Journal of Religious and Theological Information website. The article is titled "The Response of Mainline Protestant Clergy Members to the Moral Panic Regarding Harry Potter."
Website: www.tandfonline.com