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President Lester A. Lefton and Linda Lefton, along with help from some students, unveiled the Bronze Squirrel in the Kent Student Center.

Centennial Squirrel

Emily Vincent
As a kickoff to the Centennial Celebration and Homecoming 2009, President Lester A. Lefton and Linda Lefton, along with help from some students, unveiled the Bronze Squirrel in the Kent Student Center on Oct. 7. It is a bronze version of the Centennial Squirrel that has been purchased and donated back to the university by the Leftons. The Bronze Squirrel is located to the left of the main staircase and fountain on the first floor level of the student center.
Linda Lefton and President Lester A. Lefton are pictured here after unveiling a bronze squirrel in the Kent Student Center to kick off Kent State's centennial celebration.As we all know, the black squirrel is a part of this campus’ history. It is hoped that people will touch the Bronze Squirrel for luck or to make a wish. The students who assisted with the unveiling were the first to touch the statue for luck before heading off to classes. The text on the Bronze Squirrel reads:

To this campus of great beauty,
this place of knowledge and truth,
a groundskeeper brought us from Canada
and decided to let us loose.
Touch this statue gently and
promise always to be kind,
and I will do my best to grant the wish
that springs into your mind.
                            A gift from
                           Lester and Linda Lefton
                           to commemorate
                           Kent State University’s
                           Centennial, 2010