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President Lester A. Lefton and members of the Kent InterHall Council have fun welcoming incoming freshmen and families to campus during the first day of Welcome Weekend 2011.
President Lester A. Lefton and members of the Kent InterHall Council have fun welcoming incoming freshmen and families to campus during the first day of Welcome Weekend 2011.
A Kent State mom helps her daughter move into Centennial Court during Welcome Weekend 2011.
A Kent State mom helps her daughter move into Centennial Court during Welcome Weekend 2011.
Four student volunteers from Kent InterHall Council await incoming freshmen and families near Manchester Hall during Welcome Weekend 2011.
Four student volunteers from Kent InterHall Council await incoming freshmen and families near Manchester Hall during Welcome Weekend 2011.
Vice Presidents Ed Mahon (left), Willis Walker and Gregg Floyd were on hand during Welcome Weekend 2011 to hand out water and meet and greet incoming students and their families.
Vice Presidents Ed Mahon (left), Willis Walker and Gregg Floyd were on hand during Welcome Weekend 2011 to hand out water and meet and greet incoming students and their families.
President Lester A. Lefton and James Hardy, special assistant to the president, made the climb to the third floor of Manchester Hall to deliver furniture and supplies to incoming freshmen during Welcome Weekend 2011.
President Lester A. Lefton and James Hardy, special assistant to the president, made the climb to the third floor of Manchester Hall to deliver furniture and supplies to incoming freshmen during Welcome Weekend 2011.
  • President Lester A. Lefton and members of the Kent InterHall Council have fun welcoming incoming freshmen and families to campus during the first day of Welcome Weekend 2011.
  • A Kent State mom helps her daughter move into Centennial Court during Welcome Weekend 2011.
  • Four student volunteers from Kent InterHall Council await incoming freshmen and families near Manchester Hall during Welcome Weekend 2011.
  • Vice Presidents Ed Mahon (left), Willis Walker and Gregg Floyd were on hand during Welcome Weekend 2011 to hand out water and meet and greet incoming students and their families.
  • President Lester A. Lefton and James Hardy, special assistant to the president, made the climb to the third floor of Manchester Hall to deliver furniture and supplies to incoming freshmen during Welcome Weekend 2011.

Movers & Groovers Welcome New Students

Bob Burford
The start of a new school year is a busy and exciting time, especially for incoming freshmen. The residence hall move-in process can be stressful for both students and parents.

To make the experience more fun and welcoming, the Kent InterHall Council (KIC) sponsors the Movers and Groovers program. Each fall during freshman move-in day, Kent State faculty, staff and students volunteer to assist incoming freshmen get settled in their new university accommodations.

Kent State University President Lester A. Lefton was on hand bright and early on Aug. 25 to personally welcome new freshmen and to lend a hand during this time of organized chaos.

Other university executive officers joined Lefton and a host of volunteers in welcoming students and parents and assisting with the heavy lifting.

The Moovers and Groovers program is part of Kent State’s Welcome Weekend, a four-day orientation program that runs Aug. 25 - 28. Welcome Weekend includes a variety of activities that help students explore the Kent State community and transition into the university environment.